

    阿南達瑪迦創始人與上師-Shrii P. R. Sarkar先生,自從一九八六年十二月開始,介紹給人們有關微生元(Microvitum)的觀念。其中介紹的負性微生命,就是所謂的濾過性病毒。P. R. Sarkar先生在文章提出對負性微生元(病毒)的深入解釋,並提到透過靈修避免負性微生命的攻擊。希望透過這些文章,讓讀者對負性微生命(病毒)有更進一步的了解。


Shrii P. R. Sarkar先生文章










Question: What  will  happen  to  microvita  at  the  boiling  point, and  at  freezing

temperatures? Will they die?

Answer: No, they will undergo contraction and hibernation at freezing temperature and expansion and hibernation at boiling temperature. Negative microvita will die a natural death after their natural life span. In order to kill negative microvita before the end of their life span, the number of positive microvita has to be increased by good thinking and sadhana (spiritual practice). Only by increasing the number of positive microvita is the unnatural death of negative microvita possible.

If under extreme conditions of temperature microvita died, then some of the diseases now prevalent would have ceased to exist, but this has not happened. Rather, diseases have become more complicated – malaria has become malignant malaria. During the First World War the decaying bodies of dead soldiers attracted negative microvita from other stars and thus the influenza disease originated. Even now influenza is fatal to human beings in cold countries. Influenza has a natural duration of four days whether medicine is taken or not.

When negative microvita devour the positive microvita of a diseased person, then that person dies. Medicines only reduce the pain caused by disease in different parts of the body, and so it is not proper to say that medicine cures a disease. The disease can be cured only when the numbers of positive microvita are increased, and they devour the negative microvita.

There are certain person who can cure diseases merely by touch.The science behind this is also the application of positive microvita. And the cause of the decomposition of anything over time is negative microvita.





一個人正在靜坐時,他不會受到負性微生命的攻擊。然而正性微生命卻能直接作用到月亮脈叢結(位於眉心輪),而且能一直上升到古魯輪(Guru Cakra)。但正性微生命無法超越古魯輪,它碰觸不到大宇宙習性叢。



Sadhana and Microvita

“A person doing spiritual sadhana or meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum. A person in the stage of meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum, but positive microvitum can work directly in the lunar plexus and it can move, rather it does move, up to the occult plexus (the Guru Cakra). But it cannot go beyond the occult plexus – it cannot touch the macro-propensive plexus.


- An Excerpt from Microvitum in Nutshell,