What is Ánanda Márga?
Ánanda Márga is a global spiritual and social service organization founded in 1955 by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti. The mission of Ánanda Márga is self-realization (individual emancipation) and service to humanity (collective welfare).
Through its meditation centers and service projects around the world, Ánanda Márga offers instruction in meditation, yoga and other self-development practices on a non-commercial basis. It also responds to social emergencies and long-term social needs.

Self Realization
The practices of Ananda Marga encompass a wide range of techniques for physical, mental and spiritual development, the central practice being meditation. Meditation means to look within your mind to feel the bliss that is the essence of your existence. That bliss is within you, just as it is within everybody and everything. Meditation is an essential tool for self-transformation and spiritual development. One of the goals of Ananda Marga is to make meditation available to all people free of charge throughout the world.
Service to all
Service means giving of oneself without expecting anything in return. In our present society we’ve been conditioned to think that the more we gain for ourselves the happier we’ll be. But in fact – as we are all realising – inner happiness lies in giving more, not taking more. Giving is indeed receiving. When we give we increase our sense of connection and feeling of oneness with all people and all things. Indeed, with the essence of all. The transformation of selfishness to selflessness is the transformation of one’s limited self (one’s limited sense of awareness) into the greater Self (infinite awareness). In this process our radius of love gradually increases to encompass the whole universe.
Learn Meditation today
Contact Us if you would like to learn meditation for free in Taiwan.

Upcoming Events
Meditation Steps Youtube Channel
Meditation Steps is a free online meditation course. It offers a simple and practical method of meditation especially for those who are trying it for the first time. Other practices that enhance the meditation experience such as yoga exercises, vegetarianism and fasting are presented in an easily replicable way.
Helping Children in Rural India
Ánanda Márga Social Welfare Foundation Taiwan is sponsoring the education of over 1,000 children attending 17 village schools at Ánanda Nagar our global Master Unit (Eco-village) in Puruli, West Bengal, India.
This area is one of the most under developed tribal areas in India and even in the entire world. This place is the oldest land on the earth and the birthplace of human civilization. There are about 52 villages around Ananda Nagar. The local villagers are very simple and honest; yet they are extremely poor and most of them are illiterate and cannot effort their livelihood.

Become a Volunteer Today
We invite you to work on an organic permaculture farm at Ananda Suruci, a beautiful Eco-village, surrounded by tropical fruit farms in southern Taiwan. We are a non profit spiritual ecological center, aiming to be of service to the surrounding community; with organic farming and educational activities. We need hard working volunteers who have some farming experience.