
為阿南達瑪迦出家靜坐老師Dada Shubhacintananda 募款
2018年12月31日,Dada Shubhacintanandaji從Ananda Nagar前往Bokaro參加記者招待會。他們乘座的汽車與卡車相撞,因為Dadaji 坐在前排副駕駛座,他受到撞撃的影響最大。結果,第五節和第六節頸椎破了,他現在只能躺在病床上,很痛苦,不能站立或行走。
在過去的8天裡,Dada 住在阮奇Ananda 醫師的醫院,由Karuna醫生的兒子照顧。 ㄧ月11日,Dada已轉送到德里的Medanta醫院準備進行手術。他搭乘火車到德里,然後直接由救護車送去醫院。
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Appeal for Dada Shubhacintananda
On 31st December, 2018 Dada Shubhacintanandaji was travelling to Bokaro from Ananda Nagar to attend a press conference. The car collided with truck and because Dadaji was sitting in the front seat passenger side, he was affected the most by the collision. As a result, the C5&C6 neck bones were broken and he is now confined to bed, in a lot of pain and cannot stand or walk. 
After an MRI report, several doctors have advised that Dada needs an operation to install an artificial bone. Without the operation, the injury cannot be properly healed. 
For last 8 days, Dada is being care for by Dr Karuna’s son; Dr Ananda, at her hospital in Ranchi. On January 11th Dada was transferred to Medanta Hospital in Delhi for the operation. He travelled to Delhi by train and went directly go to hospital by ambulance. 
Dr. Ananda has told Dada that the total expenses for the operation will cost about Rs600,000 (US$8,500) and this doesn’t include the medical expenses from the time of accident.
Thank you for your help and support. We will keep you updated as his health improves.

Donations may be sent to our foundation account:

Bank Name:Cathay United Bank
Account Name:Ananda Marga Social Welfare Foundation
Acount No. 267087003708 