


小腦萎縮症之病友102年12月19、26日 星期四   13:00至15:00













女性覺醒page 321-322

以下是沙卡先生於1978年在一次個人會面中對兩位全日工作者所做的開示。記錄者是Avadhutika Ananda Jayashrii Acarya:


當我們行禮完畢,起身正準備離去時,巴巴又說道:「等一下,我還有畫要告訴妳們。這在從前是不傳的秘密。去告訴我們的女孩子們在他們生產時,他們應該在他們個人生命的目標脈輪上(Ista cakras)持誦他們的古魯梵咒。如果他們能夠這麼做,出血量就會減至最少而可安全生產。」

巴巴又說:「你們知道阿南達瑪迦的嬰兒命名典禮嗎?孩子的母親在孩子未滿六個月前應只餵食母乳,在餵食母乳時,他應輕輕唱頌至上聖名(Kiirtan)-Babanam Kevalan,只有他和寶寶可聽見;如此,他的小孩將有一個靈性的開始,在他唱頌至上聖名餵食母乳時,她的乳汁將變成神性的甘露。


※ opportunities for community service
※ cerebellar atrophy of the patients (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
date: 102 Thursday, December 19,26
Time: 13:00 to 15:00
Clients: China cerebellar patients Dystrophy Association

Above this year's scheduled date. 103 years next year will be fixed at every Thursday from 13:00 to 15:00
For more information, please refer to the attached cerebellar atrophy


※ help Teacher Donof children with disabilities services
※ Date: September 102 years if for every Friday
    16:00 to 17:00
Object: Upward Social Welfare Foundation
Course content: Children yoga, Kiirtan, meditation, one to one service, teach lifestyle.


Margiis  willing to participate in services
Registration Sevika (Shwu-HeiYang sevaka.tw@msa.hinet.net)
Baba said that social services are external meditation, we want to welcome everyone to take the team to participate in scheduling the service, so give yourself the opportunity to welcome you once a month or your free time available, welcome encouraged to register!



※ spiritual Share

the birth will be safe.

Advice for Pregnant Women

(4) The following advice was given during a personal audience given by P.R. Sarkar to two wholetime workers of Ananda Marga in 1978. The writer is Avadhútiká Ánanda Jayashrii Ácáryá. (The article has been adapted for this edition; the original article can be found in Prajiṋá Bháratii, Sept. 1994.) At the end of the visit, Bábá said, “You may do Guru Pújá, if you like,” which Avadhútiká Ánanda Viitashoká Ácáryá and I did.

When we had finished and were preparing to stand up to leave, Bábá spoke again, “No, wait, I have something to tell you. It was a secret before. Tell our girls that during the time of giving birth they should repeat their particular guru mantra in their particular Iśt́a cakra (from profile, Bábá indicated the various Iśt́a cakras). If they do so, there will be minimum haemorrhaging and the birth will be safe.”

Again Bábá spoke, “Do you know the naming ceremony (of Ananda Marga)? Until the age of six months, the mother should give only her milk, and at the time of nursing, she should sing (the kiirtana mantra) Bábá nám kevalam in a low voice so that only she and the baby can hear it. If she does so, the baby will have a spiritual start, and at the time of singing kiirtana, her milk will become divine nectar.”
